What are your thoughts

I am pretty dead set on getting a bike this summer and have realised that my car will never be fast as i am going away to school in sept so cant afford a major swap.

anyways so i was thinking of taking my car back to stock and selling off all the mods to buy my bike and using my 240 as a every day car.

short shifter
full exaust
strut bars
racing harness.
Now I have a bike for a steal lined up.

If you were me would you do it?


1.go to school
2.get nice job
3.buy all the toys (bikes , cars, etc…)

nope i wouldnt do it…i just like my 240’s that much

as much fun as a bike would be it wouldnt be worth the risk for me…i would be too crazy with it and go to fast and end up in either the hospital or dead

I want my bike to this summer, but i am with snowboard_240sx

owning a bike, especially if its your first takes alot of discipline but i say if you can afford it and are mature enough not to kill yourself on it then go for it.

do not buy a bike,

a friend of mine died this past summer around teh corner from his home while on a bike.

there is no margin for error on a bike at all.

a bike is a coffin on wheels. well unless you ride it right and never have any fun with it.

You can kill yourself on any motor vehicle.

More people die in snowmobile accidents than bikes in a year, but they are not seen as being dangerous like bikes.

One thing that a friend that has ridden for about 30 years… Remember that the throttle goes two ways.

I almost bought one 2 weeks ago, but would have to sacrafice modding my car more this summer, so I passed it up (it was a particular bike, not just anything).


ill just keep it simple and say that everyone i know who has owned a bike longer than 5 years has been in an accident of some sort.

i used to spend a lot of time at my friends fathers bike shop before it went tits up

That statement is totally false. I have owned and ridden a bike for more then 5 years… as have most of my friends and my father none of who has been into an accident. If your not a jackass you won’t get hurt.

Ya I had a bike, SOooo nice,

If you ride like a tard you will get hert like a tard, if you are responsibul and you will not have any problems.

it is as easy as that

most of the time it was because someone didnt see them and cut them off, or someone wasnt paying attention at an intersection.

that was the conclusion we came to at the bike shop. so its more than 3 people riding a bike.

I’m not going to get into it… but as a bike rider its your responsilbiity to watch out for the “morons” on the road. Don’t just look at the green light and assume its okay to go. Look first make sure the cars are stopped or stopping, don’t sit in tight spots on the highway or in peolpes blind spots… its all common sense, that just becomes more apparent when you are more exposed to danger on a bike.

I agree with dust, now YES there is a larger chance of getting hurt when riding a bike but it is not a Deadly as people make it seem if you are just smart about riding.

Riding a bike is nothing like driving a car, people that think that get seriously hurt or killed.

You have to drive a bike like every other vehicle on the road is going to hit you. If you don’t think that way, they will hit you.


If i go threw with this i dont intend on riding like a jack ass , i dont even do it in my car unless its totaly safe, My dad has road since he was 17 he stoped when he went past 40, only dropped it 2 times and both times was his fault.

anyways im pretty sure im going to do this. Have to wait for my coils to show up before i put anything up.

I say do it man, forget not riding it like a jackass, look how much fun you can have!
