i have a spare engine that is in need of cleaning whats better media blasting or bead blasting or are they the same thing?
They are the same thing. Bead Blasting refers to using glass beads as your blasting media. There are a bunch of choices depending on the type of material you intend to media blast.
glass bead blasting is better according to general welding
use foamy engine bright first or get it hot tanked
<---------Soda blasting is the best method.
Is that because your business is Soda blasting? Or is there a better reason?
There definately is, it is the best method of media blasting because it will clean it without damaging anything on the engine. It will get all the grease, oil and other crap off the engine but it’s not too harsh that it will damage anything. I am doing one right now I will post pics when done.
Self promoting whore. But i may be looking into your services in the future to clean up my wheels so i can get them fixed.
you suck at parking
The ding in referring to is when i was forced over in a traffic circle, you such at blowing up turbos
:tup: Looking forward to it. I have heard good things about soda blasting.
Soda blasting is probably the best for an engine because it won’t fugg up the critical surfaces. Aluminum Oxide is probably the second, and third, walnut shells. (Walnut shells are generally used to clean up electrical components.)
jesse is a good dude and his soda blasted shit looks nice.
i’m still wondering why you want to blast it at all … just get it hot tanked at a machine shop ?
i am the best turbo blower upper i know
3 in 1 year sukka
because then he has to have a bare block. He doesn’t need to fully disassemble this way.
He didn’t ask what was better for cleaning a block.
must be a bad time for STis in traffic circles
yesterday a lady in an SUV cuts over hard to her right from the inside lane. It took every ounce of braking force to get my front bumper to clear her back one, then what does she do when she is right in front of me? Sees me in her rear view and locks up her brakes right in front of me. I managed to just barely steer clear of her. I don’t know how i didn’t hit her.
good point …
well its already fully disassembled so i might try that then
did they all last longer then 1 week