What can brown do for you?

I place my vote for curtains in bag

Wasn’t me! That guy is parking on the wrong side of the street too, instant suspension for that.

That seriously had me laughing out load, haha.

good, dhl sucked dick. they destroyed my package

yeah go ahead and laugh at service people, and what they do when they think nobody’s looking.

now pretend the guy at Burger King hasn’t snotted (or worse) in your burger.

holy shit, another one!

ok i used to work for ups. you have no idea how bad those packages are handled. if you want it survive you need to pack them well.

let me share my story with ups… i worked there for around 4 weeks until i quit.

I had two differnt jobs one unloading and one as a driver helper.

The packages come on big long semi trucks. They are packed from the very bottom to the top of the truck, from front to end. In order to get the packages down from the top you have to knock them down. The unloaders let the packages drop to the ground and sometimes i would hear the things break. This all happens even before they get onto the ups delivery trucks.

Now when being a driver helper ive had drivers smoke on the truck, talk on cell phones, scan the packages while driving, tell me to just throw the packages on the porch, ect. most of the drivers want to get done fast… but they get paid around $35-40 per hour.

while you were getting paid 9 an hour for doing that shit. i was there too

$8.50 unloading. $9.50 delivering packages. it wasnt even the work the made me quit… it was the people.

yea i was a driver helper for the holidays and everything you said is just about true with them.

just about ?? :slight_smile: