March 4, 2007, 4:19pm
All Beretta 2.3L GTZs were 5 speeds.
That car was the least reliable car I ever owned. Typical GM junk. I replaced in 3 short years: starter, clutch, water pump (looks like bad head gasket, as water enters the oil thru the pump), timing chain sliders, catalytic converter, motor mounts, head gasket (very common on Quad4 cars), exhaust system, ECM, Coil packs (more than once), several sets of brakes, shifter cables, rear wheel bearings, ABS wheel sensor, etc, etc.
These are only the items I can remember because I got rid of it in 1998.
ya i heard the quad4’s were junk.i think they put them in the grand am GT for a lil while and had a hi out put 1.not sure if it was ne better maintance wise.probably not.