Worst P.O.S YOU ever owned!??

Name THE WORST PICE OF SH*T that YOU ever owned / drove.

I dont care if you just pissed in the rad for a buddy…you owned it for a second.

mine was an '82 VW Jetta gold 5spd…I taught a frind how to drive stick in it…
I went to open the little triangle window and… it fell right out!!!
LOL…super funny… ya had to be there.

The water pump’s impellers broke free when the rad froze, so…
When I finally did get it warmed up…it didn’t leak so I tried to see how long it would last like that…well…
it had to keep moving or overheat!! LOL.

People thaught I was a madman at the lights… racing away like a full tilt drag race…but I had to get up to 40 for it to start to cool off!!

whata P.O.S. but what a blast of fun.

I hit all kinds a crap… kurbs, parking stones, shopping carts, donation boxes, mail boxes…why?? cause I could…how can you cause enough damage to a $200 car before its not worth it to drive anymore??

mine would have to be a 1990 ford tempo
first car i learn to drive on, auto, :frowning: , but me and my brother both drove the shit out of it to eveuntually blow the transmission (my fault , hehe) but ya sold it for $100 . but an even worse but somehow better car with 5 cup holders was a 2001 sunfire, 5spd, it did the job took me too and from work with lots of cup holders.!! 5 in all, like i needed that many but now i miss them, but dont cus a nissan is so so much better.

1995 Eagle Talon- went through 3 timing belts, car lasted for 379,000km’s

1987 Crysler LeBaron coupe. Ran like a sack a shit,looked like it too. Autotragic and with all of the powerloss…im guessing at 53 wheel horsepower. Had to floor it to keep up with traffic.

But I loved it for some reason;)

'89 4-door golf that my bro and i put a widebody w/ roof scoop and hood scoop (i know, it was the 1st thing we played with)…and cant forget to mention the Porsche blue paint with ALOT of rainbow flake…lol…o man…it was sooo fun, but what a disaster…

My two hondas… tear

my 92 YJ, i loved it, but i hated it too. when i bought it off my dad, i could see the road through the floor. jeeps rust worse then any other vehicle out there, and mine was no different. i spent a month restoring the body and got it painted. it looked awesome for about 6 months, then the rust started again.

it was always breaking, but never enough that u couldnt drive it. so u could never say, “f*ck this piece of shit, im getting a new car!”

i went offroading, rammed it into shopping carts doing 60, took short cuts through public parks, playgrounds, sidewalks and trails… I’ve even gone airborn in that thing. 298 KM’s and the POS never died.

1992 Pontiac Sunfire SE with the 3.1L V6 best motor that GM ever made in my opinion. The car was purchased for 400 dollars which was suppose to be a temp car for my mom but it ended up lasting 4 years lol. It just never died :stuck_out_tongue: . The car had NO shocks and struts so when you when over a long bump in the road it would float up and down, and when you hit a pot hole or a speed bump oh god did you feel it. When ever u went over a speed bump the muffler scrapped on the floor. With its 3 speed auto it could haul ASS!. When I got my g2 the first thing we did was go looking for a race and my first race was against a 1990’s HOnda CRX with a noisy muffler and beat him by a long shot lol. I couldnt stop laughing. Best day for the car was when the original muffler rusted and fell off omg it sounded like a beast. It died when my brother trying to be F*cking mario andretting and hit a curb and bent the steering shaft. I would have fixed it but it was too far gone. It died at 243,000km and the day the tow truck took it away it still ran.

1987 Mazda 323
I bought it as a winter beater for 350 dollars. It was the 2WD one with a 5 speed, which was actually an option because they usually only come in 4. It had manual steering, manual windows and locks. The first mod I did to it was gutted the car. I took out all the carpet w/a knife so I don’t have to take the seats out. It was then I realized that there was a hole about the size of a coffee cup under the driver’s floor, which was kind of convenient for banana peals, left over coke, coffee, and such. Also took all the back panels off, gutted all the trunk pieces, console, back seats, headliner, and part of the dash with a sawzall. I then redid the cooling system just before winter but somehow it will never build up temperature, so for the whole winter I’ll never get heat. Like all other winter beaters he car also didn’t have parking brakes. So if I were to park I’d have to leave it in neutral and jump out real quick to jam the wheels, I didn’t want to leave it in gear because I didn’t trust the electronics of an old car like that, especially if its something that you can start w/a flat bladed screw driver. Try explaining it to the cop when you come out of the mall and find your car smashed against some other guy’s car…It had 13" alloy wheels mounted w/snow tires on it. I’ve jumped the timing belt, towed a buddies civic with it, loaded it with 20 tires, ripped off the front bumper and left it on the side of the road because it was about to fall off, done 195 on the 407 with it, ran it off of used motor oil and gas, busted a brake line doing 100 on Hwy 7, hit shopping carts, garbage cans, pulled dumpsters, pulled tree stumps, and still managed to get 50 MPG out of it if I drive like a granny and still got 80 bucks from the yard when I drove it there.

my 240sx no need for a story, theres just to much

ddont you mean sunbird?! buddy of mine had a convertable,auto 2.4L, damn great car but shitty at the same time. got broken into several times and also stolen (in kitchener…) and founded in T.O.
got high so many times in the back seat at random spots all over the place, great times.

now im thinking back to how my ford tempo was, sorta miss it now wish i had another one, at least id be driving then… sold ours for $100

Yeh Sunbird sorry we have another p.o.s sunfire in our driveway so i always mix up the names :{

My tempo was crappy with the body and the electronics, but the engine never died. I had a friend in a Tempo club (yes back then we had tempo clubs) and he had turboed his tempo.

It was tons of fun and so sleeperish, it wasnt funny.

Can’t complain. 90 Grand Am GT with some American Racing 14’s and some wide azz tires and tinted windows, back in the day when6x9’s were like having 12’s. All done by my dad so it was a hand down and had no probs, dad babied the car.

First car I actually owned was a 90 Honda Prelude. I couldn’t complain about that car even though at the time I really wanted a 240 (heart was always into Nissans). But I modded and enjoyed the car, but 16.7 runs were not cutting it and I wanted something newer lol. Sold it with 290,000kms original motor/tranny gaskets, seals etc.

2003 bought the Maxima and I love it!!! To be honest, for a daily all year round car it was the best bang for the buck and I finally came over to where my heart is with Nissan’s. I’m going to drive this car for a very long time.


that is what used to be my winter beater(not that exact one…i have no pics of it so…google)…suzuki esteem (the green machine)
it took quite the beating

1988 Chev Beretta. Bought new, passenger door 1/2 fell off after 3 months (dealer tried to claim overuse on a heavy door, and had never heard off problem before). Drove my 1969 Cutlass to dealership and showed them an original(heavy) door. While fighting with dealer (Veal Chev Olds in King City) the drivers door fell off (2months later), and I found three other people with same problem with that car. Chev finally recalled car (due to weak hinges), dealer fixed my car, but I was on hook for $750.00 in bodywork to fenders when doors fell off. This was my first (and last) 4 cylinder SEWING MACHINE engine car. Traded in for a four door (as kids started coming) after 7 months.

Worst piece of shit I ever owned was my Ex Girl… Stupid hoe… but man did i pwn her wen she left lol

Hey hey hey, Mudar, don’t come to us with your problems… :stuck_out_tongue:

buahahahaha, VAULTED!

Worst piece of shit i owned was when I had my first s13 89 fastback black. the body was rusted to shit… i swear if you kicked it hard enough, it would fall apart. LMAO