What did i just get myself into

[SIZE=2]Hi Ladies,
Has anyone seen the little gremlin that has left our room–especially one stall in particular–a bit of a mess? I mean really, more water all over the counter than is currently flooding Tonawanda Creek. That’s just an easy wipe up and shouldn’t really stress any one out–if it does, just leave it for someone else. This little gremlin, though, is very naughty. I’m going to assume that it tries to flush the toilet in this one stall and runs for cover to hide cuz it just didn’t work out right. And since he’s gone (it can’t be a female, now can it?), he doesn’t realize the flushables didn’t all flush. On two occasions, I had to re-work the handle, just to make sure service wasn’t required. Since service wasn’t needed on a broken toilet, it must be the work of a gremlin. There can’t be any other explanation than that. Unless it’s the work of aliens or a governmental plot. Has anyone seen the X-files episode in which Mulder thinks the yucky black slime is–never mind, I’m sticking with gremlins. Please double check that handle so as not to tempt the little gremlin to return.
Live long and prosper, may the force be with you, and don’t feed the cute little gremlins after midnight (or get them wet…) AHA!! That’s why he didn’t stick around to make sure everything flushed…
Have a great day and/or evening. :slight_smile:

yes I wrote this and put it on the ETC. board at work



Now everyone at work probably thinks you’re a slow adult.

lol… its a long story … thought it was funny

they dont think they know


Australian Armadillos.


and people wonder why health care insurance is so expensive.



I was going to post something about how this is why women do not belong in the work place, then I read that you wrote it and now have a hand-shaped bruise on my forehead. :fail:

So, what was the response from people at work?

Vagina tastes like pissed on pennies when I feel it would be much better if it tasted like smarties.

so i was begining to think u could write real english sentences until i got to about the third line lol
