What did you ASK for this year?

Thats my Halloween present every year :rofl

fuck that I dont pay for that

are you a proctologist for halloween or something?

I asked for more tools, more room to store them and more time to use them!

No, first halloween we had together she dressed up like a bunny, and of course it was slutty looking, we were upstairs and I just went for it, she went with it… Kids are knocking on the door looking for candy, shes yelping a bit were kinda LOLing at the same time

And its been tradition every year :rofl

Cool story, bro.



That’s pretty funny, honestly. Something to tell your kid when she gets older… :lol

Well if anything my daughter can give the kids candy while im plowing her mom in ass upstairs… Wife always said she felt guilty because we were home :rofl Kids just ringing away… generally our window is open too :rofl

lols in this thread

I just asked for some tools, basically just trying to build up my toolbox right now since I feel bad relying on using all my dads shit

Browns mug club membership, thats it.


I asked for my left ankle to operate in a normal fashion. Unfortunately, the deadline is coming soon and the large dose of methylprednisolone will only temporarily fix the problem. :confused:

For real though, I got an IdeaPad K1 tab, some sweet lithium power tools and a lot of cash coming. Also asked for a new wallet, my old one looks like Lada Gaga’s vagina.

clear corners for the formula, porter cable 7424kit with light swirl removal kit , mw3 , bunch of other shit i forgot at the moment .

I bet my current wallet is worse. Ive had it for an eternity, theres alot of wear, some of the seams are split and the leather is all soft, the part that hooks around my belt loop is just about torn off and the rivet on the wallet part ripped out so I had to stick a safety pin thru it to hold the chain on.
I asked for a new one too.

No idea what my lady friend bought me, but the rents helped me out with a lens purchase :ninja

Nothing haha dont really need anything where I am…oh and I work tomorrow and I am working a 24 hr shift on christmas YYYYAYYYY not

I gave her a bunch of ideas yesterday and she even put the box it was in, into a bag from a different store. As soon as I saw how the box was sitting in the bag I told her what it was. She’s pissed. :rofl

It’s a guess watch. :lol

just did a loan on an 08 kx450f, im “asking” for him not to come back so i can take delivery lol… Been wanting a new bike for a while.

:lol Awesome.

Do you ever get dumbells in the store? I need 50s, 30s, and 25s.