What did you do to your car today?

Woah, when did you get rich?

Did you fail to notice the pearl white bmw

pft that thing is budget

I never said it was sweet

Actually it IS budget.

Anybody who makes the kind of money I make and just spends it all on their car is, well, Travis.

Ummm the correct term would be Failvis

Go fellate yourself

Thats your job nipple nuts

Benny, what about something like two layers of clear laminx on those?

I will never buy lamin-x again.

why is that?

wtf is up with that?? :lmao

so i seem to be going in the wrong direction…

yesterday i pulled all the body bolts out, took the front clip off, and pulled the motor…oh noes.


So much for taking it out this summer :ahh

Am about to drive it!!:excited:excited:excited:excited:excited:excited:excited:excited:excited:excited:excited

You fixed it?


don’t worry about me bro, I’ll be ready :eek

Dude summer is this Saturday haha