What did you do to your car today?

300 miles on the fucking thing. As if needing headgaskets wasnt bad enough.

put new wheels on, not sure if i like them

lmk what you think

to be hoenst their to light and look like fake plastic…

maybe its just the picture but thats my opinion

Do not like

got fustrated closed door and went home.

Getting ready to install my KAAZ diff and axles tomorrow (thanks Hank!). Also welded a cover over my spare tire well in my trunk and reinstalled the trunk panels and carpet :slight_smile:

took the second cat after the 02 sensor off my car and added a straight pipe

Are those real RC’s?

Take off the center caps and do something about your rear ride height, I think they look great.

Love stickerz, HAET rocks.

talk about bootleg

I assure you that sticker is all original content.

I made it myself in paint.

Do you normally fail at every aspect of life or is this a new thing for you?

He’s approaching failvis level

if that’s possible

No it’s pretty much my day to day, I strive for the bare minimum.

I’ve bought a new set of headlights every year since I’ve owned the car. I’m getting my money’s worth out of em, even if it means plugging rock chip holes with ridiculous stickers.

Of any one can achieve it, Benny can

Lmao I like your style

woahh somebody knows how to use labelmaker!

Negative, They’re vinyl.