What did you do to your car today?

yea dave take a video

post vids & pics plz

ok just dont tell me to LOWER it

ok ok, its a little more than an inch lower, im gonna drive it like that for a day or tow and if it doesnt scrape ill spin the coils down another rotation






looks alot better lower

Watched parts get taken off the old block

Looks good. How the hell do you find these super clean MkII’s?

really really beat on it…

also heard you lost to a really really stock car… and are now getting a downpipe and a tune or something :lol

In the fucking rain?

thanks i lowered it more after the pics. Just gotta keep an eye out. they are hard to find tho, esp GLIs

chuck is this true? are you trying to be all sly?:eek

yeah it was fuckin raining lollipops and gum drops whats it to ya?:retardclap

i hope it dries up, and stays dry so i can beat the balls off of it at the track

That Chuck is a ricer :rofl

It wasn’t raining that much at night here and I had no choice due to a series of shitty events… :Idiots

got my stance dialed in pretty well. itll do till i can get my other wheels on.





needs another .5" lower out back me thinky.

i cant really go any lower without fender work. Im gonna wait because when i put the panasports on im gonna need to do some “massaging” i just need to find the wide flares, they are infuckinpossible to find

Use jeep flares son :rofl