What did you do to your car today?

Im down

I’m down too.

ill tow whoever breaks home!

18’s? OH HAI!!!

I so need a spare set of failmax 18’s

ford f350?

LBZ Dmax


but i won’t break down!!!

so much torque.

swapped a shitty injector for a slightly less shitty injector




nothing…been uner the cover for about 3 weeks now… I keep telling myself that i’m goign to go for a ride…then it rains:banghead

It’s looking good outside right now!!!

yea man. ill save the tires and take them home. so if u want to burn up a set of 18s, i have 2 and then one more if just one blows up heheheh. whaddaya say? i want to watch them burn though, thats my only condition.

to bad i’m at work till 12

ill be around call me!

no work for you?

somebody might… i just wanna tow something! :excited

yeah soon to be about 850-900lb-ft! :wow

around 500hp, 900lb/ft. so silly.

yeah but awesome in the same aspect!

when you wanna race the tdi kiiiiddddd

swapped my suspension and sold my wheels