What did you do to your car today?

id kill myself:thumbup .

Im sorry your dissatisfied with my car man, i really am. The “Mods” i have done have to be done. Im sorry i didnt want to buy some older car thats just going to have problems like my last one. Its a sacrafice i wanted to make.

yo da kid. Just get a turbz kit and you’ll be zippin right along. Will be cheaper then this whole a2 swap in the long run.

What new car???

ive got $50 or 60 in maintenance in my old POS and she’s purring right along

A3 motors only good to around 350 wheel on stock internals. Im looking to make a bit more than that on the A2

an EP3 with a GT42r

WTF Ni99a your AC line drags on the ground.

CPL racing did that. Went 10.6 on low boost. Good try you daffy duck looking mother fucker


pot meet kettle .you my friend are about as cute as the back of my balls so s.t.f.u:thumbup

You must have the cutest balls in all of NY then

thats because i dont give a fuck about the car and/or bothering to fix it/get it fixed. t tops FTMFW, haven’t felt the need for AC one bit since i’ve bought it.

far from it …they look like a turkey neck all wrinkley and shit

Im sure kramer will be pm’ing you verrrrry soon

already did, andre3000, already did

Hmm you must be mistaken then sir. Though we could compare our sacs one time to see whos looks more like a turkey neck? Kramer can be the self volunteering judge.

just look for the pics there on here thanks to a few

golly gee! im glad that was a hilarious joke

in for the lullz----you guys are together like 75% of the time i see you two. you always bicker like a married couple or what??? LOL :tongue