What did you do to your car today?

Yea I know everybody tells me to get this… I don’t see the point… worst ticket I ever got I had a good radar detector in my car and it didn’t go off until the cop was directly behind me, now I don’t trust them lol

nothing, i have not even driven my car in 2 weeks! sucks!!!

Going to drive it Sunday on the cruise? :wink: :wink:

Its been that long since Ive driven mine too.

if its nice out, ill see/ meet you…

I’ll take the barn burner out for sure

what is the barn burner?

my 07 cobalt ss supercharged

lol… got it…

OK more on topic:

I got creative with drying my air filter:


that pic is so big and zoomed i dont even know what im looking at

thats cause your too tall you fuck



thats addickted2dicks, not me

I resized it for those of you still in the stone age and posting from 15" monitors.

still cant tell what the fuck im looking at


It’s a fan blowing air into the intake box, with the intake tube still attached, to dry the filter.

i see a chair, a guitar, a failvis bacne fucking bed, a BIG DOOR, a BIG FAN facing the wrong way and an airfilter hiding behind the CHAIR

are you high? It’s a pedestal fan.