Installed a Radiator @ 10:30 Last night in the dark…
drove it last night
Good shit lol
Hit the 2-step and launched it in a cloud of tire smoke and unburned fuel :excited
Having joe jigs rewire about thirty wires because my tire ripped through them rofl:rofl:rofl
jumped the tracks
i call bs, vids or ban
actually do have a vid…In HD!!! Gotta get nick to upload it
until its posted i still call bs!!
i know a good set of tracks if you wanna blow thru and intersection too, its one of my favorites.
Countyline road rr tracks are good for jumping.
I jumped my dad’s old Cutlass Ciera off them and thought I broke the car because it didnt move when I hit the gas when it landed. I hit the shifter with my knee and put it in neutral without knowing it.
road is rough as fuck, expect to lose control/blow out your shocks on the way down, intersection after the tracks is a secondary jump if your going good enough.
i hit those the other weekend at about 70, car barely got off the ground…lame
theres a road in Saratoga thats got a jump too but I forget the name of it and where exactly it is. Its the road the petrified gardens are on. I was with my cousin when he jumped his F150 on that road a few times. He’d turn around and hit it again.
none, i usually go solo. dont wanna take someone elses life over something thats my fault
just down the rd from my shop is a awsome jump ,road is a ramp and a half with straightaway on both side s
my brother has a video of his friend jumping an Escalade over them a few years ago but its on a dvd and Ive got no idea where it is. It got off the ground a good amount for a heavy truck