What did you do to your car today?

3 years ago and it looks like complete shit. Eventually Im going to get it redone if I keep it long enough because I hate the way it looks. Runs, overspray, dry spots (molding down), fucked up looking clear, etc.

I got fucked with no lube on the paint and bodywork.

Considered replacing the bad battery terminal, then realzed I’m trading it in.

Washed and waxed it then proceeded to do some rolling burn outs

EVERY FUCKING TIME you wash/wax/do rolling burnouts with your car, it rains. :rofl

Yea she sleeps in the garage so it cool. I had to swing by my buddies shop to ask him a question and Stallmer wanted me to get on it so I had to

Floored 2nd to 5k, clutched in, and listed to the exhaust backfire like a shotgun. Proceeded to :rofl for several miles.



Washed the truck, clay barred it, waxed it, vacuumed it, Armor All’ed it, washed the windows, and shined up the tires.

installed poly motor mounts in hopes that the reduced engine movement will stop from wrecking another flex pipe .

Drove around and listened to the sweet sound of my new full exhaust, Melrose Longtubes headers, Random Technology Hi Flow Cats, X pipe and borla axle back. :ninjaCreeping up beside people with there windows down and then stepping on it, :rofl Very Loud

Started the detail, so far I’m 8 hours in…

End result = fapfapfapfapfap.

Adjusted the throttle cable. Way too much freeplay. Honda says at the max 1/2 an inch. It was a bit over that:rofl. I had never done the job before, and the car was at like 2k after I turned it on the first time and let it sit:lol. 3rd time was a charm though. Only a little bit of slack and next to no dead space with accelerator travel like before. Still waiting on my new mounts to arrive though…

It should be. The few panels I’ve completed look fucking outstanding.

I definitely don’t have that kind of spare time or patience to spend on detailing a car. I don’t know how some of you guys are able to do it.

The canon 7d wants to close it’s shutter with the Supra in/around it. :wink:

:lol I know, must be the inner “hard parker” in them.


I do it over time, sitting in my garage anyways. Mentally you have to prepare yourself though, because it take s a ton of patience and I have major OCD/perfectionist issues… ask Wayne. LOL

Everything is in the prep work for detailing, not many understand that. Too many people just rush through a detail, not correct anything and just toss some wax on their car and hope the swirls/scratches go away. It’s also the reason I don’t take on a lot of clients because some details take 10-20hours and most people don’t want to pay for that kind of work.

Thats cause you suck

More power to ya. I’ve seen pics of your other cars and they all looked great.