What did you do to your car today?

shes got some gas tonight!!

Ha ha that must be keeping clyde at bay

Go to bed sean lol

Hmmm easy Adam don’t you have hw to do lil boy

Wait…you go to the same school lol

I do but my hw is done

So is mine for tomorrow lol

Nice…what did you do to your car today

Look at it buried in the back shed. I started cutting down the downed tree so I can get the turd out when the snow melts some though!

started it to find the w/p leakin

Nice I grabbed my back pack outta mine

yes the seats are dope.

i love Bunny, “best used dog ever”

id like to do a 6 feed 4 return, but i dont wanna drop the coin on fittings and hose. dont need it at the moment either

Jim, I can show you some much better clamps to use then those worm clamps if you are interested…

Braided fuel line sucks balls, but I’m sure that Ray would probably let you have the old -6 feed line out of his Supra…

:+1 They have fuel injection hose clamps that won’t cut into the hose, most auto parts stores have them.

In Jim’s pictured application, I’d flare the metal line and use all AN fittings, but I’m sure that the proper clamp(s) will be fine!

Did some work to my brother’s car last night. I still have to do some more vertical bars and more supports. Going for the “cow catcher” look, similar to old trains.


i want to llive out in the sticks and old metal and a welder. :frowning:

i put a master cylinder on the sentra and the brakes still dont work!!!