What did you do to your car today?

painted the BBS’s some retarded combination of colors I had on the shelf :crackup I call it “green for the money & gold for the honey” :retardclap

I like it. Not gonna lie.

Looks like boogers, but I like it.


ya have to take care of her , who else is gonna lick your balls for peanut butter

Not cool man… Not cool…

Looked at the fat dent someone placed in my fender!

^ I might be able to get ya a fender if it’s something ya don’t wanna hammer out, depending on the vehicle. If ya get to that point shoot me a PM

I believe it’s getting taken care of but I will certainly let you know. Thank you though.

changed the oil

cleaned and washed the interior, holy shit was it dirty. smells pretty and no more dust ftw!

datalog’d it, still running rich and slightly knocking :expressionless:

uh ohhhhhh

yea, tooner is working on it. minor fueling issue

popped the clutch

put some high grade water proofing material on the inside of the door to stop the water from leaking in due to the excessive rot under the molding…aka duct tape

Looked at picture of my car because i am in Cancun on the beach wishing i was driving my baby

looks like you got some dirt in the paint but what are they going on

It’s gold flake, not dirt.

Drove 80mph over the speed limit [parallel to the AIN runway] in order to make it to work on time :rofl

Hate the thing until it’s mashed. Then it’s fun. Solution: boost 100% of the time.