What did you do to your car today?


Krame’s cousin…DANGG

hot damn, WOULD SMASH…over and over and over and over


YAY! NO MORE 10:1 A/F :lol

fuck yea. back up to 11.3:1

V-Flash FTW

Nah shes very much of age.

Texting RK now.

irrelevant text was irrelevant :rofl

hopefully very much willing too

pix of krammers cousin ??? i hit his mom off , now on to other family memebers

Changed the tranny fluid at chuck’s garage

Engaged the e-brake + spark cut and popped the clutch, burning rubber from Waterman Ave to ASS :rofl

Painted the wiper arms back to black.

Spent an hour washing and waxing it… but only waxed the front bumper and both fenders. Raining like a motherfucker now. :facepalm barely made it back inside before this monsoon struck.

Silverado - washed.
Cobalt - floored.

oil change and discovered a ripped inner CV boot, FML

Attached some expensive photo gear to it and did some clutch dumps off of launch control :rofl

Watched it turn green from pollen.

Got gas in it. Pretty pleased with 402 miles on the last tank and 16.7 mpg.