What did you do to your car today?

Put for sale sign in Mustang
drive to largest enthusiast event in the area

And use the money to pay off that STUPID pickup truck.

Im not driving that piece of shit Mustang anywhere this year. Dont have the time, desire or extra cash to fuck with it right now and need to fix my daily driver which is a hell of alot more important than some shitbox thats gotten driven 6k in 5 years.

Having a truck is a better idea than having a car for what he does. He doesnt have a 3/4 ton or one ton truck so its not like it rides like shit. I’d take my truck over a car any day.-Underboosted

Yeah, I like having a truck more than a car.


Hitch and jack point:

you need a new bumper

I’m going to paint it next week paul. It’s fiberglass so I can just rebuild it :lol

Shit’s mint brah.

I prefer steel since it can fuck up other people’s cars more. Same reason theres a receiver stuck in my trailer hitch.

thats an infraction. its in the VAT. you can get a ticket for it.

^ thought they removed that law again?

Maybe I’ll leave a hitch in my receiver too Paul :lol

The lock is rusted solid so theres no getting it off anyway. Its been on there for over 2 years with no issues.

not that i knew of. NY doesnt seem to remove laws, rather they keep restricting our lives more and more.


but, think of the children.


Went out to find some friendly runs and upset an htr600 vette owner along with twomodified4u’s assistance


Great kill Eric!!!

He was not happy with the civic or the s2000