What did you do to your car today?

Albany isnt that bad, i park my hummer down there w/ 26’s when we go down town.

ps- im broke to, thats why they make c/c ahahhaha

i have a slow car too. :cry:

i was refering to the roads, not the negroes :wow

Me as well. (mine really is) At least it isnt a hideous 4 door…

:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl at least its in the back of his mind

i LOL’d ^^

both of my cars are slow as balls…

till the bill comes and you gotz no monieess:shifty

yeahhhh beat ass hideous 4 door:clap:Idiots
sorry i dont have a girlfriend to pay for all my shit


Right, you have your DADDY

Word. You’ve never had a girlfriend…

getting na-na and having her buy car parts… cant knock the guy… i sense jealousy

dude just like I said, you’re not even in this shit and yet you contribute. Doesn’t mom need you to wash her dishes or something?

she does it. thats what moms are for.

Tara needs to hook me up with a clutch!

Nope. We own a dishwasher. And nice comeback btw…really solid!


Honestly, my car is not a priority at all. I have a life aside from my mid 90s ecno box

why not get your own place to live loser?

gym, diabeetus testing supplies, work, car, coach bags.