Looks pretty rad, REDWAGGOT.
thanks everybodyyyy
I agree :lol And now it looks even longer and more hearse like haha
I have 6000k head lights and I can see clear as day.
How the hell do you figure tint on head lights rice? lol… wtf?
If thats rice then aftermarket wheels on a car are rice, an aftermarket muffler on anything besides a race car is rice, lowering springs are rice, a carbon fiber hood/trunk is rice and a black painted hood/hatch with a different color body is DEF rice.
Taking the top off and going for a drive. Fuck itttttt.
Got 25 MPGssssss this tank. SICK
Drove the S2K to work.
Awwwww shitttt.
got act 2900 installed and aeromotive 340 fuel pump installed
damn i got 20.5 in the truck…
Pulled a huge wad of paper towel out of the upper radiator hose that was causing the Ranger to overheat!
how the fuck did that get in there?
Found out I need my fenders rolled:
just stuff a jack handle in there and roll the car back and forth. nbd.
Pm elliot…Slwthru
I put some gas in mine
Another quality GM part replaced. What dildo at GM thought it would be a great idea to make it so you have to cut out the old blower motor with a sharp knife, then replace the cut piece by attaching a 30 dollar fucking metal plate and a piece of foam to it?
gm engineering at its finest…
DUM. Like some of the people you deal with on a day to day basis.
Stuck there today. Was supposed to be in @5am, unfortunately I blew through 6 alarms and didn’t show up until 6:20am :ahh
What else is new.