What did you do to your car today?

Her name is Dy-lan and she shits hot fire?

Definitely gonna wanna check those pH levels

Hahahahahahaha!! Lacy undies, apparently I need to be more specific. Even though I’m not sure how we got on the topic of fire breathing vaginas. Lace rips in the washer.

Washing machine sex ftw.

I’m glad I have a penis.





used it as a delivery truck at work

finally replaced crap ebay headers and ghetto custom y pipe on the black bomber with the QTPs headers and TSP exhaust I got from Richart a year ago.

Noise pipe delete.

Stereo work on 200:


Ordered clear side markers from NAM.

Spending the day at capital region customs replacing front 02 and fuel filter. Hoping this fixes the problem!

washed an vacuumed it and got the dead bugs off the front.

87.3 miles on a quarter tank :slight_smile: I’m a happy girl

thats good mileage?!?!??!?!!

I get like 250-275 miles before my car hits 3/4 and I romp around

You also own a diesel. :hug