what did you get your g/f /wife for V-DAY?

^^^ agreed, but i’d get a kick in the prostate instead of the ass

haha yyeaa pointy toe shoes lol

2 years ago, my wife got a 1.5 carat (VVS1, D colour) daimond engagement ring.
Last year, she got 2 .75 carat daimond earings.
This year, she got a 1 carat daimond penant.

As you can tell, she’s iced out like a hiphop star… and I’m broke like a squeegy kid now.

the best parts is wearing pointy toe shoes just to go to a meet.
hhhmmmm… whom do i know that does that?:R hehehe

Good thing my GF doesn’t know you… it would keep me broke too.

I just got her some perfume and bath stuff (had another girl recommend some good stuff), a few chocolates and flowers.

The snow foiled the romantic dinner plan so we just stayed in.

lol u dunno…those are my everyday shoes pretty much

ahhhh me and my gf had a great V-day,suprised her when she came home, i shoulda been at work, then i made us dinner (pasta, garlic bread, ceaser salad, and chocolate covered strawberries. yum yum) then… well i dont need to get into details.
and now tomorrow (saturday) im taking her out for dinner to a local restaurant that i used to work at. mmmm time for a steak and beer… and baked potatoe.

my bf is taking me out tonight for vday…im extremely curious as to wat hes got planned

romantic dinner at mcdonalds followed by dessert at dairy queen :smiley: that’s what i’d do for my gf :wink:

me and him nvr eat at those places so i dont have to worry…but i deserve better than that considering all that i do for him

i know, i’m just joking :slight_smile: i’m sure he has something elaborate planned, who knows, maybe he’ll start serenading you outside your window with a guitar :slight_smile:

all that you do for him eh? ooh details plz

lol jkz jkz

lol its got nothing to do with that haha…but i do go out of my way for him and wen he asks for favours ive nvr said no

lol the day he does that…my hunch will be confirmed… ill know hes truely gone psycho:D

I gave my g/f a nismo oil cap and shift nob, she didn’t like it so i kept it :slight_smile:

i broke up with mine yesterday hahaha

haha so did i

LMAO jkr. nismo oil cap and the shifter LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. that is jks. what happen to the simple things like a rose and a kiss. lol

apparently a rose and a kiss isnt so simple n e more…cuz i wud have been moorre than happy with that