what did you get your g/f /wife for V-DAY?

So what did everyone get their g/f’s, wife’s for Valentine’s Day???:A

I got my G/F a Nismo Shift Nob, for her Van…:{
If she doesn’t use it… I guess I will have to put it in car…"D

But the truth is Im stuck, can’t find sh*t… IDEA’s ANYONE???


this trick always and i mean always works. find out her favorite color and her favorite kind of flowers. in your case try to find a way inside her car and just scatter the flowers on the seats and leave a card on the drivers side. what i did in my case before was pick up my gf and once she opened my car she found 6 dozen roses waiting for her.

awww how sweet…i wish my bf was creative and romantic lol…but we’ll see wat he gets me and where he takes me for valentines day…since im low on cash…my bfs vday present is im gunna try to get a few pics of me and him and put them in a frame(cuz hes wanted pics of us b4) and then on the back stick a paper with IOU on it

Very Original Alex!!! hahah Flowers, THAT’S A GIVEN!!!

-Teddy Bears

heres what i used to do. every occation i gave my gf a bigger teddy bear and more roses. it got to the point that i gave her 12 dozen roses and a teddy bear thats about a little over 4 feet tall and almost 3 feet wide.

Baller… what’s the best place to get teddy-bears/stuffed animals? No wife or official gf for me, but it’s always good to know this kinda stuff…

unfortunately all my hookups for those are back home in the phillipines. never had to buy anything for anyone here.

Lol… bastard!

Still wondering whether or not to step it up with a girl or two…

I know I’ve said that cars = moneypits, but damn, evenmoreso with women.

Gotta save a bit for a lil vehicle in April…:wink:

hahahaha, carnivals… Canadas Wonderland. Good luck
Otherwise stores don’t sell them very large.

Dave and Busters, claim a prize and get a large stuffed animal, but that kind of goes in line with carnivals. You can’t go out and buy them there anymore. You have to play and win enough tickets to get one.
Build a Bear Workshop (Vaughan Mills has one) I don’t know how big they can go though.

aahhh there are too places…its called animal house…im pretttyy sure theres one in square 1…but i cud be wrong …it might not be there n e more…but go into toy sections in department stores…theres bound to be big stuffed animals sumwhere…and yea build a bear is cute…cuz u can put personalized voice messages in the bear

yeh, taking her out next sunday for dinner, then go back to my house and have some drinks, thats about it, she’ll get something else to but im sure no one wants to hear about it

How could I forget Toys R Us?

so far i got my gf a small little stuff dog with floppy ears holding a rose and when you press the belly it plays some music.
on V-day im making us dinner (pasta) and then on saturday im taking her out for dinner, still gotta get her flowers (some Tulips) and chocolate, damn women just love their chocolate.

hehehe she doesnt know i booked the day off work on the 14th. going suprise her.

if my bf gets me chocolate im gunna be reallly pissed…im not ungreatful …but for reasons i wont say lol

ii unnnoooo …ur crazy?

build-a-bear in square one.

and i’m just hoping that the 18k white gold necklace with 6 diamonds that i got her for her birthday back in august will still be enough for now :slight_smile:

on a serious note: making her dinner, flowers and not quite sure whatelse. i’m always at a loss of what to get women, always too damn hard.

//build-a-bear, my gf really really wants one of those, but i got no money for one of them right now… there freaking expensive.

Damn you guys on this topic already…

Valentine’s Day for couples/lovers = spend money eating at expensive restaurant and gifts
Valentine’s day for single/loners = spend money at bars getting drunk and have sex with random girls in same position

yup… Looks like option #2 for me :rolleyes: :frowning:

lol. looks like option 2 for me too. luckily i know a cute girl that also doesnt have a date for valentines. if anyone is looking for a nice place for dinner panorama lounge at the 53 floor of manulife center at the southeast corner of bay and bloor. they’re not to pricey and the view from the top is amazing. you can see the whole downtown area from the restaurant.

dick in a box.

^^^ that video was awesome.