what to get her for valentines day?

well i’ve been hangin out with this girl about about 2 months now, great girl. kind of girl i’d really like to start a relationship with. we talked about it and she thinks we should date, funny thing is. shes 18 and her mom wont let her date anyone till she meets them lol. and her mom works crazy hours so its hard to get both of them in the same room at the same time.
needless to say, once i meet her mom we’ll probably start offically dating :slight_smile:
and since valentines day is coming up im thinking of something sweet to get her. i have the idea of buying a teddybear or something that says “will you be my valentine”. ( i cant see myself inside build-a-bear doing this but owell lol)
so pretty much my idea is the teddybear, dinner,movie, or something else entertaining.

does anyone else have any ideas? :blue:

Take a deck of 52 cards. Assign each card a thing to do. For example, Aces get a kiss, etc. Shuffle the deck and spread the cards out. You and your honey take turns drawing cards. Whatever card says to do, your honey must do. Be creative with your ideas and have fun!

Rent a movie that you both agree is hilariously funny. Every time one of you laughs, kiss each other. Whoever laughed the least gets to choose a romantic idea to do after the movie.

Play the alphabet game! One person starts with the letter “A” and has to kiss a body part on the other person beginning with that letter. The other person starts with “B” and so on and so on. If you can’t think of a body part for a letter, make one up! By the time you get to “Z” (if you do), you just might want to play again!

Change the game of Monopoly to Loveopoly. Change boardwalk into back rub, and Tennessee into take your shirt off. Every time you pass go, you get a kiss. etc.

Hide Hershey’s kisses around your love’s place, and tell them to save the tags for real life redemption!

Then hit that shit till morning…


Anyway, I say try and do something somewhat original and un-expected. Sure flowers or candy are nice but if you really want to impress your girl save those for just some random day for no apparent reason. On V-day do something that just really shows you’re thinking of her. Flowers don’t really show any particular thought about her and what she’s into (unless she’s some sort of flower-nut). Get her something that will really make her smile that she’d never expect on V-day.


tj’s got the right idea… flower’s suck… go get her some massage oils and fuck the hell out of her…

thats what im doing anyway for my chic… after the flowers etc.

Ho w about a chasity belt? :bigok:

Shag…seriously…you have too much time on your hands…lol

They don’t call him Shag for nothing! That must be in the book he wrote “How to Shag like me”.

Fuck that Hitch movie, write one about SHAG

:rofl: shag did you copy that off a website???
but ya TJ i have walked into her work and embarrassed her with a dozen roses for no reason at all :slight_smile:

i wrote a poem for her too, tell me what you think…

roses are red
violets are twisted
bend over bitch
your about to be fisted
think it will work??? :hitit:

get her some glasses cause if she is seeing you she must be blind

I got Lory a 1 hr massage, and a pedicure

that shit is fucking expensive

hahhahaha…i love the ending

funny as hell
it wouldnt work unless shes on some max hardcore type shit

i think you should avoid this chick cause if she is 18 and her mom has that much control she is going to be in your shit hardcore…be home by ten its a shcool night…or no being home with out supervision,just my 2 cents,but if you still want to get her something dont go too crazy and nothing mushy

how about a nice round of IDB :dunno:

what ever you do don’t get jewlery due to it being such a short “whateve time” you guys have.

Just take her to dinner. and get her 1 rose

yep yep
we do share the same wavelength

ya. too early to go all out

fuck valentines day - I have never done anything nor will I ever for this day. i’m just glad the wife feels the same way I do.

what about steak and blow job day :smiley:
