What did you spend this Xmas?

B, gotta save for the integra in the spring

i spent like 40$ on baby clothes for my niece. because i just dont care about buying gifts for the adults in my family. and i dont expect anything in return. christmas is a meaningless holiday to me.

Bah Humbug!


and i bought alot of shit, just gotta find ze deals.

not at all. its not about what you buy or how much you spend. its about spending time with the ones you care about. gift exchange is not what christmas is all about.

True. I don’t like not giving though, even if I don’t get anything in return.

gift exchanging is exactly what christmas is about, it’s a capitalist holiday, not a religious one :slight_smile:

it SHOULDN’T be about that, but it is.

Just look around, this shit isn’t about religion, it’s about spending money and getting materialistic things.



but not because im cheap. i have a huge fam but we all decided not to give each other anything. 11 necies and nephews and i dont buy for any of them. y u ask? i dont know really! i get them all b-day gifts all year, and it seems like every other weekend there is another bday so…

its all how u look at it bra

I like toys and money.

What it’s all about to me is the fact that I now finally have a member of my family who is young and getting into cars.

He’s three going on four and asked for ‘moto’ aka remote control stuff for xmas almost exclusively.

So I got him this illmatic R/C ATV for xmas, I know I would have been super stoked at his age to get it…and there hasn’t been a ‘youngin’ in our family for a while…at least not a male one I can relate to.

so happy hes not a little queer and likes motorized stuff.


well although i dont come from a religious family by any meaning of the word, we just dont really expect much. of the last 7 christmas’ in my life, ive been away from family for 5 of them, and deployed/away from where i lived for 3 of them so ive really learned to go without and just be glad im not living in some dumpy place surrounded by explosions.

also note im not a mind reader, so if no one tells me they want something, or hints to something im not going to get them anything :lol

since my neice cant talk, she cant ask, so i just figure clothing is a good thing for an infant/toddler and you cant go wrong.