What do u drive with?

i tried something diffrent tonight. my lil bro wears Convos that are one size to small for me but he had an important date(meeting his girls parents) and i was chillin with him when he told me so i threw him my brand new black timberlands to complete his dressy look and wore his convos driving… and for some reason with the restriction and somewhat well design of the sole i was able to drive pretty nicly, no clunking or anything… ill pick up a pair soon(right size of course… no need to alter my bone structure this early in the game) and see were it leads me.

skate shoes and any kind of bigger pedals, i just use my big toe on brakes and other 4 on gas
now you know the secret :open_mouth:

I should make a Thred about what Skirt we wear when fucking a shift knob

I know I am not the only one here


Benson I got a better one!

I’m Greek so I just put it straight up the tailpipe! Add some grease and away I go! My exhaust has dual ports so I have two tailpipes with nice tips! It’s like having two women at once! It’s great!
Oh if you want to try it with your car I have one peice of advice! Wait till the exhaust cools down you don’t want to burn your willy! But at the same time you have to make sure it’s not too cold otherwise you will get shrinkage, it has to be just right!

John, this one is just for you.

I wear what ever shoes I have on!

And my fav. skirt is a plad jobbie, but I must say it looks better on the g/f then me. I don’t have the hips for it.

LOL Yeah something like that! Only I use the exhaust! LOL

Oh man this thread is gone way off topic LOL. And it’s all because of Benson and his fucking the shift knob.

Okay back on topic people!

WTF was the topic again?.. Shoes?

talking about heel and toe with steel toed boots. you actually make the effort to heel and toe on the street? does it make you feel like a race car driver or something?

this thread is a joke right?

sorta a joke but sorta curious to see what people like to wear when driving for comfort and performance, just as important as the type of seats u run. if your not comfortable with the required flexibility it will bother you and in effect your driving will be effected…

and no i dont heel toe in the street but if i see a nice vacant lot on my way home i may be tempted to lay down a few patches of rubber…
a 240 is a fun car… why have it if your not gonna have fun?

I see your point but I do heel-toe from time to time every day without really thinking about it, not trying to be a race car driver or make really short stops.

It just feels that tiny bit easier/smoother on everything and is fun to practice.

That’s me anyway…I could see how some might see it as overkill or pointless on the street (like yourself).

As for shoes, whatever I buy I just ensure they’re not retardedly wide…that’s about it.

Why the fuck not? If you know how to do it, you should always atleast rev-match while you’re driving, even on the street. It minimizes wear on your drivetrain, plus gives you practice heel&toeing for the track.

No, why would it be? Why shouldnt you observe proper driving techniques, even on the street. Hell, there isnt a single downshift I dont revmatch. I dont heel toe very often on the street as my commute to my daily job is only a few blocks. But highway off ramps I certainly use it. My driving shoes are:

Piloti Monaco

Wow those shoes are kinda hot! 8)


Nice colours too! Hmmm…

hahaha, piloti is a part of porsche tuning.
I get those shoes CRAZY cheap!!!

edit> i actually just remembered my cousin bought like 1000 pairs of nike shocks, boings, air max, adidas, lugz, peguins, everything.

40-80 dollars a pair depending on which pair
brand new in box
anyone need shoes?


and whats wrong with heal toe?
its the easier way to stop imo.

i wear steel toes all week because i wear them all day at work and sneakers on the weekend.

Piloti is individually owned and operated. It’s not a part of Porsche.

they do have a part of porsche,
maybe not a PRODUCT that was made by porsche.
but porsche sells them in their tuning shop, and gives an awesome discount to employee’s
thankk you

i didnt mean it like kellogs owns rice crispy, sorry for the confusion

Yes it makes me feel like a race car driver, that’s exactly why I do it.

Does asking stupid questions and using shitty driving practices make you feel special?

I always rev-match, and it doesn’t matter what I’m wearing on my feet.

If I’m going to the track, or actually going out for a drive specifically, I wear a pair of Sketchers I have, they’re mega comfy, hug my feet and have a super thin sole.

I have brutally massive feet, so if I’m wearing my combat boots or something bigger like that, I have enough issues operating the pedals period, so rev-matching is a bit tricky…

Distribution agreement and sponsorship =! ownership those arent even close to being the same. So you get them at jobber, whoopdefreakindo.

Exactly, by his logic, Bauer is owned by Canadian Tire, because CT sells Bauer skates…