What do u drive with?

Hey guys, never seen this kind of thread before so i thought ill start it…

What kind of shoes do u choose to heel toe with:p?

i wear steel toes all day at work so when i drive its either Lugz or Timberlands.
they fit sweet but i noticed they dont have good flex at times when im trying multiple foot manuviers(heel toeing mostly)… might also be because i got size 13 feet so theres not much room in the car desined for size 7.
but i know theres alot of bigger guys driving no prob.

so again, what do u wear when u drive?

BTW im sure someone dosent knw the true meaning of Heel Toe: to use one foot pressing in the clutch then with your right foot, press the brakes and use your heel to press the gas to keep your revs up then simutanisly release clutch and brake and hit gas, keeps revs and tourqe range up when braking around a corner, helps for a follow thru drift.

Pair of sneakers. Nike Huarache 2K4’s. Very comfortable shoes especially on those long drives

Whatever I’m wearing at the time. I enjoy driving the most with these brown somewhat dressy shoes that I wear to work. The bottom padding is thin and not very stiff at all, giving me more feel, and making my foot smaller. A lot of people like the small form fitting Puma shoes for driving, I can’t comment as I don’t own a pair.

On long drive I take my shoes off and use cruise control, most of the time my Jordan’s are best my boots are a bit clumbys.

I had one pair of shoes I liked driving with a lot,


Puma, they are gone now.
-they should reinforce the left toe’s.
(yes thats wear from the clutch pedal)

i usually wear dressy rockport shoes cuz i have to wear them to work but other than that i enjoy driving with pumas without that big heal part sticking out the back it tends to get in the way with the tranny wall or whatever its called.

whatever comes. i have a auto so it dont matter lol

Faghat. Why are you posting?

Osad why exactly are you posting? u didnt even answer the fukn thread question, it’s kids like u that give this site a bad name, join in the thread or say nothing if u want to call ppl names and be a fukn tool go somewhere else.

btw i wear my wide addidas flat bottoms

I didnt even READ the fuckin post!

Go gaurd your car with your dog!

///\ not very nice just use your 240 which is SOOO much better then a m3. I think Osad was just joking
i think this site has lost all respect for you.

i have big foot i use my fat toe to roll hahahha

Props to the Puma’s, I second that!
Next to the Puma’s… Flip flops are easy to kick off so I can get my bare feet on the pedals.

wow i cant believe u ppl even remember that. u seriously need lives. Osad try thinking/reading before u speak/type. btw nice comeback “go guard ur car with ur dog” only took u 15 mins of searching my post b4 u finally found somethin to use on me and shift, mind ur own business. i think anyone whos ever come into contact with u would say ur a dissapointment to life and should take ur own. u ppl are a fukn joke, go outside and find somethin to do. let the car enthusiast be and go play with ur civics. im done with this thread, it should be locked now its gone to shit. sorry to anyone that actually has a 240 and had to read this shit.

skate shoes, any flavor.

Sorry, I’m not functionally retarded, I remembered it without searching.

All previous shit was directed towards DJ-Infini anyway.

Turn your brain back on and stop being a fucktool.


nothing beats barefeet, ie take off ur shoes, boots etc socks too if its not 2 cold and u keep ur car clean. bcoz its winter & dirty i just wear sneakers or dress shoes, but if i was taking a long drive i’d take em off. in summer just wear slippers & slide em off.

I use Adidas …forget the name…haha the toe on them 3 stripes…i dunno just kinda grew on me …good for clutch kick and heel toe/downshifting…theres a mark engraved on my shoe from doing these things…had the same pair for over a year now.

I wear my lugz… or whatever shoe im wearing