What do you do on the internet?

Basically, i talked to Vlad tonight and it made me start thinking about what i typically use the internet for.

obviously people are going to be not very helpful, and reply “PORN!” but seriously… in order to help him make good decisions for the future of the site, which is actually have become use to checking a couple times a day… i think it would be helpful to know what else you do on the internet.

For example, i usually check my e-mail, check myspace/facebook, possibly the weather, and log into shift. So i was thinking, eventually Vlad might want to incorperate some of the things that we all do/use alot online, into the site. Almost like a 1 stop shop for internet use. Like add a browser/search feature, a link directly to you’re email so it can be your homepage, a local weather link, news updates, entertainment section, with a breakdown of types of videos you might be interested in… whether it’s funny, cars, episodes, whatever you might be into.

So out of curiosity, what Features do you all think would be nice to have, and possibly save you some jumpin around to different sights?

Youtube vids
Shopping for car parts

and of course Shift.

An entertainment section with random games and funny vids would be cool, though probably unlikely.

i think it could, and might happen. Why not? it keeps the attention to the site. instead of games in offbeat, offbeat can be just more about random topics or input on subjects, and the entertainment section can have a use.

I think server space might be an issue if a game/video section was to be added.

i’m not sure how expensive that is, but i’m sure if its reasonable vlad could oepn a donation box, i know i’d chip in.

What do I/we do on the internet? Or what features we would like to see on the website?

The website isnt gonna work with email that your already using, but you can offer free or paid email accounts for shift fanb0ys that they can check, right on the site, they can give anyone the address like swifty@shift518.com

A website like this should have a video section, as in section of a website, where you can browse and stream videos with an option to download them to your pc. Some options to favorite your movies, or upload and add your own movies, track the stats from just how many hits/plays to who actually seen it based by ip/logged in user etc .

The site should have local news related to the car scene, updated at least once daily but more or so should be around 4-6 times per day, with the help of multiple mature administrators. Using a CMS wont even cause this to be an issue , posting news that is.

Articles and reviews should be done and placed in an article section along with embedded video if possible.

Monthly or quarterly video compilations of races , events, and just other car 518 scene related stuff shuold be released. Only original videos, no where else on the internet should be on the site, otherwise there should be an exclusive video section, if you plan to re post already seen videos.

Should be some videos and articles, how to tutorial type things, DIY stuff… some tips on cleaning your car, maintaining it… all that good stuff.

Thats what I think, fuck the weather , email, and all that for the most part.

Could have a stats section of the best LVD times at the 1/4 or what ever… the most hp, the most tq the ride of the month (u probably already got that)

depends on if the games are hosted on the shift518 hosting account or if they are hosted by the game’s developer and just embedded within this website … or forum

The hosting this forum on right now is 100% junk, i been hosted by hosting monster before , they are operating under 6 or more different companies for hosting, all offering different prices for the same hosting and the same support… and the same lousy performance…

My usual day on the internet:

Check email, fire up AIM.
Check the forums: bf.c, shift, e36-tech, maybe r-speed.
Watch skateboarders kill themselves/murders/fights on www.nothingtoxic.com
Check forums
Play LFS
Check forums
Watch a movie or two from www.watch-movies.net
Check forums

Then once I get home I try to stay off the internet, but I’ll occasionally check email/forums throughout the night.

I get all the news/weather on my iGoogle home page, and bf.c OT.

E-Mail, AIM
Forums: Shift518, K20a, HT, CRSX, AUG
Buying car parts
Online banking
Youtube occasionally

My life is here.

Usually in this order…

Check for new torrents
Forums Shift/SN95/SVTP
Shopping for stuff

Outside of work, research for the racecar and thats about it.

The website isnt gonna work with email that your already using, but you can offer free or paid email accounts for shift fanb0ys that they can check, right on the site, they can give anyone the address like swifty@shift518.com

Email accounts for members would be pretty sweet

Yep would be nice :slight_smile:

The site account got frozen today cuz of high cpu usage, they called the php files “painful” uhh get real hostmonster/bluehost not everyone uses html 100%


I spend my entire day on this site as it is.
If i could do everything, check my facebook, myspace, weather, mail, etc.
All from this page. Good lord. I would become a ZOMBIE.
Not to mention the biggest Shift518 whore ever made.

dont you have that title already? :crackup

I have no idea what any of that means, but it sounds correct. :lol

The idea is good Swifty it’s just aimed at the wrong thing.

Most people use the internet to do things such as Research (Google), friends (Myspace, facebook), entertainment (Youtube) and information (Forums).

There is no way the new site will be able to replace any of the above completely, since there are giants of companies already out there for each, and a million copy cats. Even making a successful forum is nearly impossible, unless you find a specific niche for which there is a demand (Local Auto discussion in our case).

The way we can expand, is to ensure that the forum experience we provide is the best we possibly can (So ask what do you typically enjoy/do on other forums?)

The other side would be to possibly become more attractive as a website aimed at Gear Heads so include more items such as Auto videos, auto pictures, auto information, auto articles, auto discussion and of course have a solid Offbeat section to be able to get offtrack and clear your mind.

So if we find out what do people enjoy seeing on other Auto dedicated websites, and other forums, we can try to incorporate some of that stuff (such as more articles and pictures and videos.)

Edit: I did like the idea of weather however :thumb


i just ramble, i like how you cleared that up.

yea exactly, the fact you have a forum right now, thats active, and even better, totally and completely local, is just great. Try starting up another forum and you’ll find out how valuable an active forum is. I had an active forum , still kinda do, then always tried to start up more, was alot harder than I thought.

Just let people get more involved with the site, like I said already my SUGGESTIONs are just pages that can be submitted into a members ride section, where it list the cars he/she has and on that page with pictures, mods, and user comments where a user can comment (doh) and rating system as well where they can be rated, granted the users actually will be rating rides… who knows.

I got AWESOME examples of all this, mainly cuz me and my buddy in texas built a racing site exactly like this, and you know why it sucks? no active forum… everything else is just amazing…