Basically, i talked to Vlad tonight and it made me start thinking about what i typically use the internet for.
obviously people are going to be not very helpful, and reply “PORN!” but seriously… in order to help him make good decisions for the future of the site, which is actually have become use to checking a couple times a day… i think it would be helpful to know what else you do on the internet.
For example, i usually check my e-mail, check myspace/facebook, possibly the weather, and log into shift. So i was thinking, eventually Vlad might want to incorperate some of the things that we all do/use alot online, into the site. Almost like a 1 stop shop for internet use. Like add a browser/search feature, a link directly to you’re email so it can be your homepage, a local weather link, news updates, entertainment section, with a breakdown of types of videos you might be interested in… whether it’s funny, cars, episodes, whatever you might be into.
So out of curiosity, what Features do you all think would be nice to have, and possibly save you some jumpin around to different sights?