What do you guys do to fall asleep?


Not everyone needs 8 hours.


:word: I function much better through the day on say 5-6 hrs of sleep then if I had gotten 8+.



There are many differenet reasons why people can’t sleep. Soo much that grants are given to research it.

A few common causes are stress, diet, hormones, atmosphere.

I have trouble sleeping all the time.

I usually try to avoid medication or any chemical substance. There is alot to be said for avoiding drugs and alcohol. The human body strives for homeostasis and medication should be the last resort in my opinion.

I like to try to wind down an hour before bed. Let my mind slow down and just relax. Don’t do anything stimulating an hour before bed. Try to clear your mind and not worry about what is going on in your life. Just take things day by day and sleep comes easier.

That works for me. It may not work for you. Everyone is different. Good luck. Insomnia blows.


I find that working 2 full time jobs makes you sleep pretty damn well by the end of the night lol. Its after the 2 month mark that you really start getting tired all the time…its rather irksome.