What do you need to look for when guying a dsm?

I have no idea i’ve never really looked into buying one before. I found a couple I’m interested in. I dont really think it will ever be modded if I do get one. I’m looking at 95+ GSX’s.

ask ur brother,he check kolars out good befor he bought it!:kekegay:


darkstar bought kolars DSM

I wont trust darkstars judgement on DSMs though :kekegay:

You need FOLDED for thinking a DSM :kekegay:

a good deal on towing service??? :kekegay:

AAA ftw

Rear 1/4 rust, strut tower rust, and of course, leaking parts and crankwalk.

Proper maintainence records or it’ll be a money pit. They don’t break by doing smart things they break by doing stupid things. Thing is many people don’t realize they are doing stupid shit to their DSM.

a brian check for wanting one

wtf is crankwalk… i know ive heard of it but how do you tell if it has it?

drop the pan and check for crank endplay


crankwalk is when the crank moves side to side in the motor, very commen 2 2nd gens, how to check? ehh you almost have to grab the crank and push it on on the timing belt side, then watch it while somebody pushes in the clutch and see if it moves

i am guessing it walks the crank because of poor thrust washers?
i am no dsm guy but i knew a kid who’s clutch wasent working because his shit was walking so bad

so id be better asking a dsm guy in here to find me something trustworthy?

not really, 2nd gens spin rod bearings with no sign of endplay FAR more often. 2 or 3x as many spin the number 3 rod bearing.

Yea, crankwalk is fairly overrated, but it’s always something to check for.

bad oil squirter design for 2g 7bolts, they can become stuck open and starves the crank.

Get Jeffs number he has a excellent trailor.