What do you think about this HD T.V.?


Looking to get a 50" HDTV. This one looks pretty decent for the price. Anyone have one? Just got a home so not trying to spend a ton. what are your thoughts?

No interest until 2009, and it comes with free shipping and a DVD player.

seems sort of expensive for a 720, although it is a 50". Not too shabby IMO

I don’t think I’d spend $1500 on a “Vizio”, any more than I’d spend $8000 on a Daewoo.

Vizio is so-so. Spend a little more and get a Samsung or Panasonic though. I picked up a 42" Panasonic a few months ago and love it.



Vizio is so-so. Spend a little more and get a Samsung or Panasonic though. I picked up a 42" Panasonic a few months ago and love it.



:tup: I bought a plasma a few years ago when they were hot and it didnt come with a TV tuner :banghead:


Vizio is so-so. Spend a little more and get a Samsung or Panasonic though. I picked up a 42" Panasonic a few months ago and love it.



The panasonics I have seen at work look like crap


I don’t think I’d spend $1500 on a “Vizio”, any more than I’d spend $8000 on a Daewoo.



Vizio, Olivia, and the like… maybe the small <32" sets for a bedroom TV or such. They are oft on sale <$600ish

crap! since your looking for cheap check out LG.

you can get a better deal on costco.com and they ship for free.

According to consumer reports,vizio has a high repair rate on LCD/Plasma TV’s,along with dell.

If i was going to buy a LCD/Plasma it would be a sony or sharp.Some JVC’s look promising as well.

On a budget I’d look at Westinghouse or Olevia.

check out tigerdirect.com too, thats where i got both of mine

bestbuy has a 1080p 42" LCD tv if I remember correctly on sale for like $1500.

If you are into BluRay and HD DVDs i would save your money and wait for a 1080 tv.

I have heard LG makes a good product for the money. I am saving for a 1080p TV


The panasonics I have seen at work look like crap


Look at the reviews…Samsung and Panasonic is better than pretty much anything unless you stup up in price and start paying for the name (such as Sony). If your place sells $3000 TV’s then of course they’re not going to look as good.



Look at the reviews…Samsung and Panasonic is better than pretty much anything unless you stup up in price and start paying for the name (such as Sony).


All three run for about the same price at similar specs. It’s not until you get into Sony’s SXRD line where they start to cost more.