What do you want the Democrats to accomplish?

I’ll start small and work my way up to the ones that need a democratic president in '08.

  1. Reduce student loan rates, undo the increases Bush made.

  2. Increase the minimum wage. Maybe there wouldnt be so many people “leeching off the system” if they could actually make a fucking wage they could live on.

  3. Lobbying reform. I think everyone can agree that it needs to be changed, William Jefferson is just as much of a douche as the Abramoff Republicans.

  4. Repeal the bush tax cuts. The deficit is fucking us worse than anything in the long run, and rich people don’t need their capital gains from their billion dollars in mutual funds or estates over $100 million taxes reduced.

  5. Fund stem-cell research. A lot of it. As discussed here many times, there is absolutely no reason not to.

  6. Give the Iraqis an ultimatum to get their shit together and begin an organized reduction/pullout culminating on that date.

  7. Health care reform. There is no reason why greedy for-profit HMO pieces of shit should control life and death in this country, and continue to skim off the top every time. We’re the only industrialized nation in the world without social health care, and it can be administered a lot more reasonably priced.

  8. Modify the Patriot Act as the different provisions sunset. Eliminate the ones that amount to government spying on its citizens for the hell of it.

  9. Repeal the Digital Millenium Copyright Act. Personal one here, I just don’t like that law

  10. Elect Bill Clinton for emperor. Remember when the dow was much higher than it was today when adjusted for inflation, the government gave a shit about the poor and the middle-class, we had the biggest SURPLUS, not the biggest DEFICIT in history, the government was going to focus on social programs, not bullshit wars, and we could actually fund stem-cell research? Yeah, that was nice. Hell, he can take a squad of 100 girls just to serve him and I’m cool with that.