What Doesn't Work Since We Changed the Classified System Back

Let us know what works and what doesn’t work. It should be back to normal but there may be some lingering issues.

Hey do me a favor and post your thanks in Off Topic, not here.

Please only post here with bugs you find while using the classifieds so that Rubicant can work his magic on anything that may have been missed.

Not sure if its a problem, but when I was on earlier i noticed a little green guy next to the quote option on my screen for my name, what the hell was that its not there anymore.

That indicates that the post is under moderation and needs to be approved before it will show up to the rest of the public.

Why Is My Classifyed Section Still Locked? im in the middle of trying to build a motor with no fs: or WTB:'s please help…you guys said you unlocked it but myne never unlocked

you might still have to join the user group?

already did that weeks ago

Posting crap like this in a classifieds thread got out a 2 month timeout from the site admin on December 31th.

You can still view threads, you just lost your posting privileges until the end of February when your infraction expires.


Fantastic, I dont know if this is a new implementation, but that is perfect.

I actually don’t know anything about it, just went digging through the Admin Control Panel trying to get an answer for diddy and found it.

I’ll get the details, because I think using the infraction system to warn/temp ban people from classifieds would be way better than having to delete shit, fully ban people, etc.

This has been implemented for a while. Many people have received 3day bans for going off topic in FS threads, and I think others received 5 days. This is the way to worked before, and I thought it worked well.

my actions needed to be said…plus i went to school with the kid for the last 8 years and i was banned for a stupid reason…but thank you fry for getting me an answer.

^ Lol I nerver even saw that post…Diddy

I still can’t post in classifieds :slight_smile:

if only we could fix the rest of the forum too :stuck_out_tongue:

I have no doubts I can “fix” this issue on my own…

cause vBulletin 3.6.8 has some issues…

but I have faith…

You’re the 1337 hax0r sherm, I am in awe.

i cannot post or reply to anybodys adds as well just like diddy… plz help me as well thanks


Read the rules, join the group, ???, profit.

If you go off topic in the classifieds you will be mauled by a pack of horny bears.

I don’t think people should get banned if they go off topic in a classifields post. A 1 month or 2 month banning of posting in the classifields is a far better punishment in my opinion.