what effects steering stiffness?

actually, i did go to wheel and tire zone and it messed it up in the first place.

after getting my alignment done there, thats when i felt the stiffness.

the first time my wheel was crooked so they fixed it. when it was fixed i felt it but thought nothing of it at the time. later on, i thought they messed with my rack because on each rack, there is a pressure regulator which can also change the setting of the stiffness of the rack (shouldn’t be touched). thats why i’ve wanted to switch racks to see if thats the case.

the guy also said it could be my power steering pump but i didn’t notice anything really wrong with it. if the car goes nice and straight, how can the alignment be really off or affect your steering? please shed some light so maybe i can find a better shop.

but for now, i do my alignments at OK Tire. the guy that does it did rally stuff etc etc. he does the alignment to spec how i want it (even tho its stock but lucidsnow goes there and he does it to spec for him)

hey Theo, where can i find high end suspension shops? everyone claims there a high end suspension shop now a days.

EDIT: does anyone know stock caster settings for an s14? i wonder if 1 degree would make that difference. my highest is 7.3. if stock was 6 that would be somewhat significant?