What happened to my B16

Why did it break at only 10psi boost? Not being a dick but that is one thing that scares me about turbo hondas. For one reason or another they seem to run good then all of a sudden blow up. I was racing a kid this past year and his car was working good. No indication of anything wrong then whammo his motor let go for no good reason.

At least you have the winter to repair it. However with that much damage even a forged piston would have damage. I’d be putting on my sherlock holmes hat and searching for a problem on that cylinder. Faulty injector, injector wiring, or something of that nature.

well, to answer this fully id have to start all the way from the beginning…id say mid June of last summer i noticed it smoked a lil when i started it up first thing in the morning asked jeff about it from 1st Try so we came to the conclusion that it was maybe cold start thing or watever didnt have any problems or power lose and never smoked after first start up in the morning, then started to tackle my first turbo honda ever and was trying to stay cheap so i bought a rebuilt t25 not nothing anything about turbos at this point in time and destroyed two t25s and being way too small for my b16 and being that the 16 reved out way too high for this turbo was possibly causing back pressure into the motor due to the fact that the t25 couldnt handle the amount of air my b16 was pushing, who knows?? this was just a street tune with this setup and drove it for maybe three weeks, a/f’s were good, and then from there the smoke just got worse and worse, thought it was just turbos because they did get destroyed, lots of shaft play when they came off, so i went and bought my 2871 and took it to get dynoed at hybrid, dennis said no signs of detonation the entire time and then on very last pull couple clicks of detonation, and it decided to only idle on three cylinders, and compression tests revealed that number 3 cyl was the problem, prolly just a cracked piston ring landing at this point then i drove it all the way from new stanton to robinson and beat on it the whole way because it was toast already and wanted to have some fun and let jeff drive it to see what his work did even being broke, 240 hp with only three good cylinders isnt bad, but watever it was a learning process live and learn

Well smokey motors always make better power :slight_smile: