What is a good, all around weight bench/home gym?

I haven’t had a home gym since I first left for college, so now i’ve been wanting to get back to lifting weights. I was wondering if another complete home gym is the way to go, considering cost. What are the good ones out there? Is something like a bow flex the way to go?

free weights>bowflex

I can’t work out at home, I have no motivation. It’s either lift or drink beer, and beer always wins. :smiley:

i have a bowflex, its not that bad. but id rather go to the gym. if anything, get a good bench and those adjustastable dumbells. i personally like doing all my exersizes with dumbells over bars and machines

Squat/power rack…that is pretty much all you need.

You’d need one bad ass(expensive) power rack to do all the exercises you’d need for your entire body, personally i like free weight & dumbbells

chad you still have that bowflex from the cal u apt, that you tried to cockblock me on ??


Free weights combined with a smith machine is nice for benching and squats if you don’t have a spotter.

whats that story? lol

The new bowflex is expensive but they are really nice. Personaly I like going to the gym, its not expensive and they have everything. I have a bran new smith machine at my house with a bench and 350lbs of rubber coated weighter weights and my mom uses it as a chlothes rack right now, lol… gym FTW

Right now I have some small dumbells at home and an eliptical machine. I had been going to a Bally’s gym for like 2 years and then hadn’t been using the membership enough so I got rid of it last year, mostly because it was like 50 bucks a month. I gained like 10 lbs and lost a lot of muscle since then because I can’t get motivated to work out at home. My wife (who is on her dad’s plan as her college graduation gift) had me added to her dads plan for like 15 bucks a month, so now I have started going again. In my experience, unless you are a hardcore fitness person, you won’t work out at home. We have the stuff at home to work out with, but it is really hard to get motivated. It is much easier to just go to the gym.

get yourself a set of free weights, and some type of cardio machine…

Well, maybe free weights it is. I think i’ll have the motivation to do it, since I dont have cable, if im not working im just sitting around looking for something to do. If Im not bike riding, then I could see myself lifting. I have a great room for it at the shop/appt. here that I want to setup.

X80 billion

that or find a nice gym

Ive always wanted to have a home gym with some nice free weights but its just impractical for me. The amount of money that it would cost to get a nice setup would be much more than it costs monthly for a gym membership. This is especially true because gyms are popping up everywhere these days. I have 5 quality gyms all within 5 minutes of my home.

the average cost is about 40 bucks a month which is 10 bucks a week and on average 2 bucks a workout for me :):slight_smile:


I have a gym within walking distance from my house and it has everything you could possibly want in a gym. It is 400/year and I couldn’t even buy a decent set of weights for that amount, let alone everything else.

gym ftw

I did ballys for a year right out of highschool, but i never found myself going that much so i cancelled it. Before that I had a nice little bench that had adjustable back for military press, butterfly (which is why i have man titties now) and leg extension. I loved that little machine, but dont know enough about more excersizes to know what a good bench will do… i need like a little wall chart thingy to go by.

My dad and I use free weights when we work out. He wants to buy a smith machine, but it’s 2" too tall for our basement. Otherwise we’d have jst a Smith machine. I personally like freeweights better anyways.

if you’re dead set on buying up some equipment for home then here is what i would recommend:

A power rack
a good quality adjustable bench that will incline and decline.
an Olympic barbell set - dicks sell a package that includes 315lbs of weight and a bar

dumbbells are were it can get expensive.
i personally prefer solid, one piece dumbbells over adjustable. when you buy these they are usually .50 cents a pound so they get expensive so because you need a wide variety of weights. so i would say get yourself two dumbbell bars the accept Olympic sized weights.


Smith machines are a joke…I would stay away from them.