What is SON240 worth to you?

I agree aswell.

…So much retardation.

Get your facts straight before you try to talk shit.

The only thing you got right on that was Mark and Fobwall. Everything else was wrong.

ding ding ding… and in this corner…


son sucks
admin sucks
users suck
for sale sucks
everything about son sucks.

you suck

everything about you sucks.

lol is someone getting agitated by chance?


Just telling you to get your facts straight. :slight_smile: Don’t make me hate on your Hindu God Allah.

How much is SON really worth you ask? Hang on, let me go check my wallet :o


SON is worth the time im on here! SON is all good in my books!!

SON is worth my life!!!

hahahhaha i chuckled.

Lolcat… i cant wait.

son is worth my while to check it daily. be it parts (hardly), info (rarely), drama (FO SHOOOOOOOOO) . keeps my work days going. including right now as we speak. oh lastly. track days notices.


lol… SON sucks (2038th post)… but i still come here all the time…:rolleyes:

we all know it sucks. dosent mean we dont come on it. lol

All aboard the Hypocrisy Train. :hsugh:

the Idea of son240sx is pretty good but just about all 240 owners are Online dueches.


Sounds like you are a douche yourself.