SON is worth almost $2200.00 USD !!!

According to website outlook SON is almost worth $3000.00 USD

Woohoooo in 500 years from now all members will be millionaires!!!

I’m gonna order my yacht from now!


It’s funny when I posted this SON was worth almost $2200.00 USD and a few hours later it’s worth over $3000.00 USD !!! At this rate it will only take 200 years and not 500!!! woooohooooo!!!

in 500years all 240s wont even exist.

wooohoooo pop the cheap Champagne( the boxed kind)

Yeah they will!!!

It will be called the Nissan 24000sx and since cars wont exist it will be a personal aircraft!!!

The 24000 stands for the 24000 lbs of thrust it produces from it’s turbines!!! It will be the altimate sky drifter!!!

IN THE YEAR 3000!!!'Brien.jpg

I want my dough in lump sums. K thnx.

You don’t jack! Your a SON user not a Member! LOL!

Quick get a membership and get in on the action LOL!!!

BING start some SON stocks!!! LOL!!!

Wow this thread is bad.

^^^ I concur…

Sorry I was bored :frowning:

…shit happens!

ryan stfu