Hey guys, aite so ive been meaning to get some tints on my car but before i jump into it, i wanted to get your feedback on what is the best place to go to and what exactly i should do…
If you know of a good place with a good price and quality please leave a link or a contact number for me, or address will do too.
Its a white s14, currently has 0 tints on it… and only reason im getting them is because its too visible in there. So your opinions… How much tint for the front and back?
The post does say, what is the best place for tints… im not sure if u noticed that. Yes like you said (when u just had to go and point it out) that tints is not rocket science, but nevertheless i posted to get people’s opinions. Thanks for the bump though…
krownlakeshore on here does them and if your quick he still has them on sale i think it was $159 or something like that needs the car for 3hours to get nice and warm look on here for him he is a sponsor and it comes with a warranty