What is the best way to install a 50" TV over a fireplace?

it sucks, never do it. You will end up with a kinked neck from watching it. It’s like sitting in the front row at the movie theater…every time you watch tv.

Not true. My mount tilts down and the couch is far enough away that you don’t have to look up.

mine’s over the fireplace but its just sitting on the mantle…

lath walls are not so good for hanging heavy shit :wink:

I don’t get the whole tv over fireplace fad.

I would put it on another wall.

I have my LCD’s standing up on a TV stand…

I lol at this thread as whole

Well, I should have read this earlier. I have all of the cool in wall boxes to put data and power right behind the tv, the junction box for the basement, etc…

I could have done the whole thing for like $50 in parts and say $100 in labor.

Where are you people finding 50"+ mounts for ~50 bucks, unless you are talking just basic titled mounts.

↑ Here is a decent swivel one http://www.monoprice.com/products/product.asp?c_id=108&cp_id=10828&cs_id=1082806&p_id=3724&seq=1&format=1#largeimage

The back of TW HD boxes have a IR repeater spot, can I use just this or does it need a power supply? I dont think it says in the description.


check out buy.com search “peerless” they have mounts as cheap that range from 50-120 bucks.

It depends on what had to be done for that price…certainly sounds high though…

ours is mounted over the fireplace… our couches are about 20feet away

Anyone know?

if it has the same plug I’d imagine it would work.

All of those are for 40" and below though. Anything 52"+ starts breaking the 250-300 mark, such bs for just a friggin wall mount.
