what is wrong with my car?

i posted this before that i have an 89 that wouldnt start… wel after changing the battery it still sit there… doin nothing, no it doesnt turn over… and when i say it does nothing, it doesnt do anything, it sits there like there is no key being turned in the ignition… nothing what so ever… i thought it might be the alternator just turning to shit… but if the alternator was crap… wouldnt another battery at least get it to start? so i’ve tried at least 2 different batteris and bam… nothing… now i dont have a multi meter… other than the alternator and battery being pooched ideas… what else could prevent my car from starting? well i should say… whats preventing my car from doing anything?

Does the car get any power at all if the Key is on the ACC position?

have you checked to see that the Starter motor works and is getting signal from the ignition?

fuses in the engine bay. double check your alt fuse. if thats not connected nothing will work.

nope the car get nothing at all, it acts like no is trying to start it, it just sits there mocking me

if it isn’t getting power then check all your wiring, check your fuses, run through all the basics before you start assumign taht the motor or car is junk. For all you know, you have a fuse blown somewhere or missing a fuse

driverside steering tire hasn’t chewed the harness has it?

^I had these symptoms with this problem…

///\ i’ve driven only a handful of times

my starter just went 2 days ago

i would sit in the car and turn the key, nothing would happen. it had power, the windows, wipers, radio, all worked. nothing at all when i turned the key.

try getting a friend and push starting it, if it starts i would definately look into the starter, you can also get someone to tap the starter with a wrench while trying to start the car, that will sometimes work if your starter is gone.

If you dont hear a crank at all your starter could be shot. But then again look at your fuses before you start freaking out.

Safty nutrual switch if its automatic lol

///\ lol, no it a stick… now i have another problem… i thoguht it was the battery, cuz the voltage was below 11 volts… so i bought a new one yesterday… now it went from 14.6 to 11.99 overnight, i know there has to be a hardcore power draw… any thoguhts and ideas? and how do i test those ideas?

Check your grounding near the starter… use a battery jumpstart cables to run from negative to a metal nearby the starter ot the negative terminal directly… I had to run a separate 4 gauge starter ground on my corolla after thinking my starter was shot - works.

If it doesn’t have any power I would say check the ground on the battery. Unscrew it clean it up.

my car is stioll having problems, the alternator is fine and putting out 14.6 volts like its supposed to, so its not that, i found a live wire and dealt with it… i put in a new optima redtop, and after a few days of sitting shes drained, with minimal power left… car not starting

still having problems… could really use some more input

do you have any sort of power? do your lights turn on, radio, anything? or it just won’t turn over?

///\ nadda, my clock isnt even on… i have absolutely no power what-so-ever

actually it should be between 13.4 and 14.2 depending on alternator rotation speed and overall voltage load, so I would suspect your diodes in the alternator aren’t so hot anymore, try borrowing a good one?

also while the car is off get a battery tester so you can check the amp draw while it is off, see if it’s not something like an accessory draining it, you disconnect the negative or positive terminal and use the meter between the wire and the battery to see the current load, anything less than 2amps is probably ok but the lower the better, anything higher and there’s something fuxed up

solving the problem requires something called elimination :slight_smile:

i tested for it, at first it read 26amps i shit you not, not 2.6 26 then the fuse blew, then i found a wire that was hooked up wrong and disconnected it… i dunno what else to look for now

check your main fuse, it probably popped.

and your alternator may have grounded itself… look at the alternator casing and see if there any arc burns. that’s happened to me once.

it will blow up everything, alternator, battery, and your main fuse.

if all your fuses are ok (and look very closely sometimes they look fine but they’re actually busted) and you’re still getting absolutely no power then I don’t really know what could be happening.

you did check both fuse boxes right? well, there are three but I don’t recall the third one have anything mission critical in it.