Totally stealing this from Jalopnik but it’s a very neat question.
After getting some neat responses in previous questions it should be neat to see what you guys are up to now.
Us being gear heads we always have something to learn about and are always learning it. Whether it be a history of a car, difference in models, super car specs, researching next project, learning about track driving or track days, how turbos, fuel management or transmissions work etc.
At this time I’ve been looking into suspension geometry and trying to make sense of longer control control arms behavior vs shorter after seeing the difference on Mr2’s first hand after Toyota redesigned theirs in 93 as people couldnt safely control short arms of 91 and 92 by going into snap oversteer and crashing. However first hand the 91 definitely has a more go kart like feel and is a lot more solid on the road surface.
Question is - what is your current automotive curiosity?
You know I could make your life easier by loaning you some of many suspension geometry and race frame books I have here that would give you a better answer than googling them