What is your dream job?

honestly, lawyer thats why i’m starting law school

but you said dream job, now dream the way to spend the rest of my life, somehow have way too much money so i never have to worry about work again, spend my free time building my own cars, have a couple businesses and my own law firm. go on vacations when ever i damn please. have a custom car shop and employ all of you whose dream is to build crazy cars every day. show up randomly and have the new people get scared that the owner is there and then just crack open a beer with them lol.

I always thought I wanted to work on cars until I actually did it for a living.

Now I really dont have a dream job. I like the job Ive got now though so Im not thinking of something else right now. I dont think its anybody’s dream job but its pretty decent so far.

i would like to own that shop, you can work for me when the time comes

in all reality i would like to start a specific shop fo a few specific tuner cars. s2000s, nsx, evo and subaru. part em out, built em up, custom work etc etc.

i like it


Jack of all trades shops wont make it big. Unless you have the very best group of employees. then your top notch full in house shop, kind of like Austin Speed shop and JJ. (less paint, they dont paint so its not a perfect example) As in one guy ONLY paints, one only does body work, one only does metal work, one chassis and suspension, one motor, one trans, one machinist, one welder… thats the only way a “do it all” shop will ever be big time successfull. Its simple why. If you are not the best at the potental jobs aspect in the area, what makes them want to go to you over someone down the road that is just as good, but only does that one aspect? Cost usually, and that will drive your prices and value down to get the customer, not up.

Example Paint. Shop A has an alright painter and could probably do the job, but Shop B only paints and has a better painter. You are choosing shop B. BUT if shop A has a damn good painter, none of the other aspects they are also good at matter you still would go to shop A, especially if you think down the road you will want more than paint.

Point; if you want to do it all, you better be damn good at it ALL. Or specialize and stick to it.


probably just got done reading the 8 sec ls1 thread didnt ya :rofl

I could give 2 fucks over some bullshit camaro. Thanks

attack helicopter pilot would be pretty awesome. Also in fantasy land I would love to be a pro snowboarder. travel the world see all kinds of amazing stuff and also get to snowboard all the time. seems like one of the most fun pro athlete careers

I could give 2 fucks for the lack of fucks you give too. :rofl

car specific shop is where it is at. Get a huge knowledge base for a few desirable cars and you’ll be set and not need any employees. There is a guy on s2ki who only does s2000 work and is booked up all year round, people come to him from all over because he knows everything about the car. Ballistic motorsports is another example, they do subarus and s2000s and specific tuner cars, custom work for them, clutch jobs etc.

What Jim said. Or music producer. Or be a Terry Richardson type photographer

actually if I had to pick a second… it would be some sort of lingere/risquee photographer not pornography, but amodel photographer for something like Victoria secret/fredericks…

and honestly not simply for the boner factor, I legitimately love taking those kinds of pictures, I’d do that over cars/other shit any day of the week. I love working with people, the skimpy outfits would just be a bonus

pretty sure all those guys look like this

so true :rofl

While not all, some of the model photgraphers ive see are creepy as fuck. Some ive seen or shoots ive seen of chicks ive known get taken by dudes that look like child molesters or heavy drug users and im like how the fuck you gonna let this guy see you half naked?


I’ve read about JS Hicks and how he got his start photographing porn/nudes. He used to find and pay hookers to photograph. Now look what he does. SON of a BITCH.

You dont have to do that anymore, theres sluts all over model mayhem that will let you photograph their lady bits thinking they will become a high paid model :rofl

Hell jim i bet you could make a wall post saying “Want to photograph your tits with my exspensive camera, free portfolio, will make you famous” im sure youll get a few people willing

I had a model mayhem profile once.
I got an offer from a girl to shoot her topless.
I looked at her profile pics.
I saw things that can’t be unseen.
I deleted my profile.


I would love to drive in the alms. If not that a custom rig shop chopping and stretching frames engine work things like that