Lot of people pissing money away going with over 5 degree swings.
it’s not that simple, it depends on how my many hours between swings and how quickly your house loses heat. (and probably more factors)
I have only run my furnace to make sure it works, The pellet stove has been doing its job
I dunno… the only time I really see my furnace kick on is twice a day… otherwise it doesn’t run. Once in the morning when I’m getting ready, and once when I get home from work. Otherwise it doesn’t run.
agreed…to get the best efficiancy you need to figure out how much heat loss you are getting…and also you dont want a big difference in temperatures when programming it…if your house is real tight and insulated well you could set it to a certain tempurature and never have to touch it or program it for when your not home cuz you wont be losing heat
Depends on how long you leave it for. If over 8 hours, I don’t think there will be a problem.
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Think thermal mass.
50’s at night when sleeping and low 60’s during the day. my house stays pretty warm especially the upstairs. Just signed up for budget heating so no more $450 dollar gas bills this winter.
70 or 71. Utilities included FTW.
around 70-72 during the day. 76-78 evenings. i have the old square box with the needles that you adjust for the kick on / kick off temps. no digital so i dont know an exact. furnace kicks on once in morning and once in evening. i dont have a clue how its not kicking on more, my house sucks for insulation.
wow, how bad are you bills?
how can you sleep with the hot? holy shit.
programable t-stat FTW 62 during the night and day when no one is home. Its at about 67 when I get up and get home from work.
like 70-71 here…we like it toasty. My GFs parents don’t even turn the heat on til like snowfall. I’m always freezing my ass off at her house.
58-60 from 8pm->4pm or so… then i turn it up to mid 60 or 70 tops when i get home before i hop in the showa.
440sq ft apartment… everything is fuckin sealed up tight as a mother fucker.
i keep the windows open in the winter
just put one in myself, grew up with one as did the wife. so we picked up a used Lopi a while back. set almost all the way down, and it’s 70 in here. $300 gas bills even with the heat set below 60… so we had to do something. bag of pellets lasts almost 2 days