6:45am-7:15am: 70
beside that 60 all day
I had mine turned off. Last year I was on 3rd floor with apt above and below, and 2 apartments on my sides so they all heated me nicely. I dont think I had a gas bill over $26 all winter.
It hasn’t gotten cold enough this year yet to even consider turning it on but I am in a new apt which is 4 months old.
When i lived on my own I kept it at 62. Now that I’m at home, my mom keeps that shit cranked. Ugh. I’m gonna have to open my window at night. I like when my room is cold to sleep in.
^ I actually still have my fan running or else it gets too hot. 2 computers running in the upstairs = ridiculous temps
Yeah my fan was on all night last night.
64 when I’m home, 60 when I’m at work.
Energy star thermostat at work here. Have some new windows this year, and a newly insulated basement.
Shouldn’t be too bad this winter.
62/63/64 somewhere in there, until it hits negative 20s outside, then I’ll run it around 68
my appt is tiny so my heater joint isnt even on yet, ill wait another month.
Mine is at 69 throughout the winter. We tried the up and down thing with programmable thermostat but with cathedral ceilings it took too much energy to bring it back up to temp. It’s actually cheaper for us to leave it at 69. Funny but true.
Its been scientifically proven that we sleep best at 60-62 degrees.
71-72, but its usually around 68 in here thanks to shitty insulation…Utilities are included:tup:
70 most times during the winter, sometimes we will bump it up to 72 if it gets really cold.
general observation: why do people turn it up when it gets colder outside? does 68 feel colder when it’s 20 outside compared to 68 when it’s 40 outside?
Why do people with climate control on their cars put it on 90 when its cold?
duh, it obviously warms the car up faster :purextc:
Because no house is completely sealed from the outside world, so the colder it gets, the colder it feels in the house. Expecially in older homes.
I set my zones differently. The main house is 64 during the day when the sun is out or when I am not home and 68 when I am home.
“Detached” Living room area is warmer naturally and never really drops below 66.
Drafts get worse?
65, anything higher is really too hot for me
If it is just myself, I almost never turn it past 60. When I have my son I leave it at 70-72. If I know I am having guests who need it warmer I will turn it up for them.