What KB power sounds like.

Not much good car stuff on here lately. It’s the offseason, eh? I’m bored so here’s a quick short vid. Turn up your sound.





Love it!! Too bad we are both in the house market right now.

The shift to throttle sounds so badass.

Yeah, that sounded pretty good:tup:

daaaayuummm…i was always against s/c’s but now ive seen the power they can produce on a mustang…its soo incredible…excellent , i love it

^ check out what they can do on a small block GM some time

hell yea mikey :tup:

u should put the other vids up too :slight_smile:

i like the way kb sounds

KB owwwww
flap flap flap

I’ll be honest, I came.

bros (bladez) ported stieg


<3 slobras :hitit:


gotta be honest, i replayed it like 17 times.



I will miss it come spring when it’s time to sell. But it’s only a car. :gotme:

Thanks for the compliments doods. I am gonna try to put a compilation vid of me and bladez cars over the winter, should be pretty neat when its done. :tup:

oh man mike that will be sick :tup:

u guys have some crazy vids of u 2 from this season, cant wait to see it :tup:

Man that’ll be a sad day when you have to part with that car i’m sure it’ll be hard to pick the next car after this one but sometimes other things are more important than toys. KB’s sound awesome on the Cobra and Lightning. Are they the same blower? You know you need to dyno it with spray and get it tuned just so you can see what kinda power it had before you sell it. That way you can tell your kids that daddy traded a 700hp car for a house. haha

i am jealous as hell. Especially since I want a supercharged mustang and I LOVE the whine of a KB S/C

anyone got a vid of a stock 03-04 cobra, I wanna see how loud the whine is if any whine at all

^you can definately hear the whine on a stock 03-04 cobra, its nearly not as loud as what mike’s and mine are, but you can hear it coming.

now i still have the stock blower on mine, and its crazy loud, lol. but, its been ported and being spun to all hell. psphinx posted up the link to it above, but here it is again

bladez, your still on a stock blower?? it sounds like mike’s KB