What kind of bed do you have?

I’ve been thinking about getting a new bed, but I don’t really know what I want/need. I have stopped at a few mattress places to check them out, but they all start to feel the same…

Just wondering if you guys have any “long-term” tests that you can share…


I have a king size Sleep Number. The option to set the two sides at different stiffness is solid, since my tastes vary based on my mood. Very comfortable except the mattress slides around on the box since it’s smooth plastic. After an intense session it will end up like 18 inches from the headboard sometimes :lol:

i have a soft queen… with pillow top. forgot the make, but its really comfortable.

it all depends on what ur looking for…whether you prefer harder or softer mattress.

Thoughts on tempurpedic? I feel like a roll around a lot and would feel stuck in a rut with one of these. They’re also expensive as fuck, but if it’s worth it…

i have a tempurpedic pillow…and its the best thing i ever got.

i wish i had a few friends still working at a mattress store, id would have been able to get you a great deal…boo

i have a california king simmons beautyrest pillow top. it gets the job done.

I have a memory foam mattress. It is not a high-end tempurpedic. It is made by a company that just recently went out of business. They had some stores in the malls and such but never caught on, it is a VERY high quality mattress and was a fraction of the cost of an orignal tempurpedic.

I fucking love sleeping on that thing, I would NEVER go back to a spring mattress.

I have a “hybrid” King-size mattress from City Matress. Forgot the brand.

But it’s a isolated coil spring matress (like the commercial you see with the lady jumping and the wine glass); with a built-in 6" Latex memory foam top. Absolutly amazing.

I’ve slept on a sleep number; my mother has one; and I was NOT impressed. but that’s my person opinion. Never slept on a temperpedic though.

Depends on the person.

Also, in some people’s opinions, not as good for sex.

I have a tempurpedic TOPPER on my sealy semi-firm mattress. You get the memory foam hugging aspect, with the ability to roll around.

If you get a king sized, make sure it’s a one piece.

Down top mattress with a down comforter. Greatest investment ever.

I have an aero bed right now since I was only going to be living at the apartment I’m at for a short period… I have a very bad back… easily the most comfortable thing I;ve ever slept on.

I slept on a sleep number in a hotel once. Hated it. It’s a mattress with an air mattress pad on top that you can inflate/deflate.

I’ve got, shit what’s it called, the one pocketed coils that they advertised with a wine glass on one side and they dropped a bowling ball on the other side to show how you don’t feel you partner moving around. Simmons Beautyrest I think? I like it, but it’s nothing special.

I’ve heard that the way to get a new mattress is to somehow go through a hotel supplier. Hotels make money by offering a consistent good night sleep so they have to have good mattresses. I’m a fan of Hampton Inns, so I’ll probably look into that when I get a new house that king-sized will fit into.

I think they have “hotel specials”…
Maybe that was Motel Specials?

6 years now on my mattress, time for a new one.

I have the queen simmons beautyrest, it’s the mid firmness double pillow top. Best sleep I’ve ever gotten, not exaggerating at all.

I think I’m going to try to get the same exact thing again.

A friend of mine has the tempurpedic and loves it :gotme:

Ugh … I wish I knew the bed I slept in when I was in norway… There could be a war outside and I just wouldn’t give a fuck, it was that comfortable.

Norway eh? Probably some sort of aluminum frame, titanium spring, memory foam deal from Ikea. Crazy scandanavians…

california king sealy pillow top in a waterbead frame … … its 4 years old still work great

Springwall Chiropractic Ruby Cali King w/ foam “egg” roll padding.

