what kind of sick fuck does this

But when something like that happens the media downplays it and liberals give anybody who brings up the racial aspect of that sort of crime a ration of crap. While at the same time go on and on about upper class people (who are generally white) tip the scales in their favor and life isn’t fair for the underpriveleged minority.

I’m not as far to the right as Jon, but I do agree with his view point on a lot of things. It’s come to the point where it’s a disadvantage to be a white skinned middle class male in America. You pay your taxes and bust your ass and wind up at the bottom of this list for just about every major oppertunity, because your not a minority and don’t help fill some BS quota.

Also it’s always sad to hear about somebody killing a child and I hope the person winds up in prison and is gang raped to death.