Sports Car (Comes with SCCA membership). Good articles, good stuff on driving technique, lots of racing info, reports, etc.
How To: :uhh:
Advertisements/vendors: :eek:
Size: :meh:
Price: :gotme:
Modified Magazine: Sometimes good how to’s, very good column called “Driver Training” by Mike Speck :tup: . Tarzan’s column is pretty entertaining too. Decent coverage on JGTC, D1 GP Drift, Speed World Challenge, Formula D, etc. Some of the models are kinda cute. Keep up on the trends so I can be one step ahead (i.e. if they feature it, it’s probably played out
How To: Average to Good
Advertisements/vendors: :ohnoes:
Size: Excellent
Price: :tup:
Chicks: :hitit:
Road Racing World: My favorite magazine for motorcycle Road Racing. Best news coverage, industry coverage, race series coverage, great reviews, how to articles, etc. etc.
How To: Good
Advertisements/vendors: Great
Size: Good
Road Racer X: Used to subscribe, they have some good columns from racers (Disalvo) pretty good bike reviews and major race coverage. Might start picking it up again.
How To: Average
Advertisements/vendors: Great
Size: :meh:
Price: :tdown:
Racer: Great articles, and argueably some of the best photography in the business.
How To: :redx:
Advertisements/vendors: Awesome
Size: Wish it was bigger
Price: :tspry:
Grassroots Motorsports: Some of the best how to’s and project cars in the business. Good racing coverage, great range of cars covered. A must for any true car enthusiast that is into motorsports.
How To: Excellent
Advertisements/vendors: Awesome
Size: Pretty beefy
Price: :tspry:
Maximum PC: Pretty good mag for keeping up with the technology stuff.
How To: 
Advertisements/vendors: Good
Size: average
Price: :tdown: